September 12th, 2018 ×
11 Habits of Highly Effective Developers

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
In this episode Wes and Scott discuss 11 habits that will make you a better developer - everything from understanding the business goals behind your projects to maintaining work-life balance, staying curious, and developing empathy.
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Show Notes
2:55 - You understand stakeholder and business goals
- What is the website (or project) ultimately trying to accomplish?
- How does the business make money?
- Don't get caught up in your own "mama drama" about frameworks, but instead focus on how a particular framework will help achieve the end goal of the business
5:13 - You're curious and always learning
- This industry is ever-changing and isn’t slowing down
7:36 - You have an open mind about new technology
- Don’t “poopoo” something because it’s intimidating, new, scary or different
- Like foods you've never tried, sometimes something unusual turns out to be game changing
9:57 - You ask for help
- #LifeHack - most people know more than you
- Be comfortable with NOT knowing
- Be comfortable with failing and with how others might perceive that
- Check your ego at the door
15:35 - You help others
- Helping others solidifies your own knowledge
- Answering questions
- Blogging
- YouTube videos
- Mentoring co-workers
- Not offering unwanted advice
19:12 - You have a "problem solver" mentality
- General curiosity - figuring out why things aren’t working
- Break things down into testable components to pinpoint an issue
- Have a clear head under pressure (e.g. interviews)
24:37 - You have fun with what you do
- Enjoying challenges
- Even if something isn't particularly fun, you find ways to make it fun and interesting
27:54 - You understand work-life balance
- Burnout is huge in our industry
- It can be difficult when you love what you do, but it's so important to maintain balance
34:00 - You are empathetic to your co-workers and users
- Be a team players while getting things done
- Make everyone around you better at what they do
- Be someone others want to work with by being inclusive and professional
- Don't make inappropriate jokes, put co-workers in a tough position, etc.
37:08 - You pay attention to detail
- Think about edge cases
39:03 - You're part of the community
- Local meetups / lunch and learn
- Twitter #100daysofcode
- Conferences
- Scott: Overcooked! 2
- Wes: Book - Rich Dad Poor Dad
Shameless Plugs
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