August 5th, 2019 ×
Hasty Treat - VSCode Love Part 3

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
It's another VSCode episode! In this Hasty Treat, Scott and Wes talk all the things they love about VSCode — things to learn, how to get around more quickly, using keyboard commands, being more efficient, using snippets and more!
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Show Notes
2:14 - Things to learn
- Jump by word, line
- Select by word
- Command Palette (cmd + shift + p)
- Move and copy lines - option up down or with shift
- Multi cursor
- Find and replace in files
- Use the Insiders build if you like updates every day
11:03 - Keyboard commands
- Cmd + b to hide sidebar
- Cmd + shift + x
13:55 - Snippets
- Snippet Generator
- Get to know defaults as well as tabs
- Mongo Snippets for Node-js
- VSCode Marketplace
- VSCode Insiders Build
- React Snippets
- JavaScript (ES6) Code Snippets
- HTML Snippets
- ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets
- Vue VSCode Snippets
- Atom Snippets
- Text Expander
Tweet us your tasty treats!
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- Wes' Instagram
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- Wes' Facebook
- Scott's Twitter
- Make sure to include @SyntaxFM in your tweets