2024 Predictions
In this 2024 web development predictions episode, Scott and Wes make bold guesses about what will happen in JavaScript, frameworks, tooling, CSS, browsers, AI, and more over the next year.

In this 2024 web development predictions episode, Scott and Wes make bold guesses about what will happen in JavaScript, frameworks, tooling, CSS, browsers, AI, and more over the next year.
In this holiday potluck episode, Scott and Wes answer developer questions around topics like advanced JavaScript techniques, React, CSS layers, designing databases, and specializing as a front-end engineer.
Wes and Scott review their 2023 web development predictions from the previous year, assessing what trends and technologies ended up being hits or misses.
Wes and Scott ask each other tricky web development interview questions covering topics like CSS layout, JavaScript, accessibility, and more.
Covers new and proposed JavaScript APIs for 2024 including source maps, temporal, array methods and more.
In this potluck episode, Scott and Wes answer listener questions on various web dev topics including TypeScript's future, Flutter for web, WordPress workflows, Rust projects, MongoDB for AI search, and more.
This podcast episode covers a wide range of topics related to building a website or web application from start to finish.
Scott and Wes discuss launching the new Syntax.fm site, including database timeouts from too much data, the importance of error monitoring, dark mode UI bugs, using AI for show notes, managing background jobs with serverless, launching with TypeScript errors, having fast local development, being mindful of payload sizes, taking advantage of new browser APIs, and how Wes helped improve the overall design.
Scott and Wes discuss how to implement dark mode and theming in web development, including topics like using color variables, overriding system preferences, solving contrast issues, theming components, and more.
The guys answer your questions about hosting options for Next.js apps, share some spicy takes about Firefox and CSS, lament the lack of good form options for modern web apps, and clarify some confusion around SvelteKit and Turborepo abandoning TypeScript.